How do YOU Write, LaToya Murchison?
Week four brings us to read about the writing process of Ms. LaToya, who is the owner of Creative Expressions Literary Services. As a virtual assistant, she has assisted countless authors with developing their online presence. Services include graphic design, social media management, interviews and e-book fairs. She even assisted me recently with my Blog Tour and it was fabulous!
Okay back to LaToya, who when she isn’t working for a client or doing something literary, she enjoys spending time with family and working with the youth in her church.
I have given LaToya just six questions, let’s see her responses to them.
How do you write? Are you a Pantser/Plotter or like J L Lora, a little bit of both Plantser? LT: It all depends on the type of book that I am writing and the message that I want to share with my readers. I always keep a note book with me so that I can write down my ideas and keep them in one place. When on the computer I use MS Office or Google Docs.
What excites you the most, beginning/middle/end? Why? LT: The end because that means I have finished the storyline and it is ready to be shared with the world.
What’s the hardest part of finishing/readying your writing projects for publication? LT: Editing for me is the hardest part because I know the message I am trying to get across but it is important that my ideas are coming across to my readers as I had planned them.
What puts you in a writing mood? Do you listen to music, eat junk food, coffee, cigarettes? LOL. LT: I listen to gospel music a lot when I am writing especially when working on my devotionals. I also tend to eat a lot of fruit.
For new authors, tell us about some of the best advice you can give them? LT: That would be to research your craft and never stop learning. Never allow anyone to tell you that you cannot succeed.
Finally, where do complete most of your divinely inspired prose? LT: Haha, at my kitchen table.
Thanks LaToya for stopping by to tell us a little bit about How You Write!
Please visit LaToya and learn more about her current releases including A Praying Heart, Poetic Expressions and Anika’s Story.
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See LaToya’s Story Board on Pinterest by clicking here