Invite Tracee Lydia Garner to speak at your next event!!

Romance Writers National Conference, Gaylord National Resort (July 2022) Washington, DC
When Tracee Garner is not in her office (her most favorite place in the world) writing bestselling inspirational romantic suspense novels, she is a full-time advocate for people with disabilities who speaks and leads small groups helping people with disabilities reach their independent living goals. Tracee has been a wheelchair user for almost all of her life, diagnosed at age two with Muscular Dystrophy, she spent years finding her voice when she took the statewide leadership program Partners In Policymaking, a 9 month advocacy leadership program, where she learned to understand more about storytelling and how stories reach people and can, eventually bring them to see and understand what you need, and become an ally in making the world a more accessible place to live and thrive.
Tracee’s favorite scripture in the bible is a mantra for her life, can be found in Matthew 25: The Parable of the Talents, where she feels she embodies all of the many illustrated messages throughout this scripture, including how to take one thing (her writing) and use that for so many other things; using your talents for good, moving forward with uncertainty and even embracing oneself are all themes running through this remarkable story. Tracee has lessons and talks about these very stories too.
Before launching her writing career, Tracee spent years contributing writing poetry, with one of her poems selected for publication in her alma mater’s campus magazine, and writing short articles on various popular blogs about everything under the sun, including finances, organization, productivity and even event planning, another side passion she enjoys; and living while disabled. Now she speaks often to writers groups, national conferences, writer organizations, all topics that are a part of who she is and has become.
Tracee is available and would love to come to speak to your groups, women’s ministries, youth and young adults, and of course a writer’s conference. She has many topics to fit your needs, including:
- Living (thriving) with (society’s and medical professionals) Perceived Limitations
- Writing Inspirational/ Christian-themed romance and suspense novels
- Advocating for your child (with special needs)
- The Content of Your Characters – learning new ways to create full body characters in your stories
- Author Life Fix – (from a book, workbook and class course -of the same title) for authors who have written one or are thinking about how they can successfully break into the publishing industry
- Embracing Who God Says You Are
Tracee also speaks to writing groups worldwide. *Popular topics include:
Self Publishing Boot Camp
In 2001, Tracee Garner secured a two-book deal with a top publishing house for her writing and in 2007 prior to social media changing the entire landscape, decided to chart her own course and self-published her first book. Now at 20 books, 17 of them self-published, selling more than 100, 000 copies; this workshop will cover the Seven Steps to Successful Self-Publishing Success, including editing, cover design, formatting, keywords, publishing pathways, creating a team of professionals and touch on preliminary marketing tactics to set oneself up for success.

Tracee signs books at a multi-author event held in a local coffee shop.
Writing in the Margins
Tracee takes you through her process of writing a full-length novel very quickly by layering in different elements at a time and productivity hacks guaranteed to get you going.
Author Life Fix
In her 20th book of the same name, Tracee covers fifteen topics about how authors can tweak and assess their Author Life, how it’s going, where’s it going (if anywhere) and ensure that the writing, publishing and marketing of ones books are all running smoothly; and not as a hit or miss/sometime-hobby but a real career and business that earns more than it spends, feels good, is efficient, makes YOU feel good, and is a fun but serious endeavor one can be proud of. She talks about how to revamp your author life, making it over to what you want it to be.
Writing Realistic Inspirational Christian-themed Fiction for Today’s Author
We live in a world that’s full of suggestive, promiscuous images and behaviors, violating all the seven deadly sins and then some. These images we can’t seem to escape and run across our eyes daily. How can an authors write with a clean view of courting and marriage and still motivate people with real characters who face real-life obstacles, sometimes struggling with their faith? Tracee teaches the elements she uses, discusses her conviction to be transformed in her writing life, and shares how to still pull the readers heart and imagination without sex, and other things that make people lust after the flesh.
Writing A Series
A series of books connected in some way (siblings, family and friends, spin offs in the same town, etc.) are hot, hot hot, and likely always will be. How can you set yourself up for success when you may barely know all that’s gonna go into the first book, let alone several more down the line? This workshop will cover all the right ingredients for a great series concept, and ensuring that all the right elements are included, to make your series exciting and keep readers and fans hanging on for the duration and becoming lifelong supporters.
A Marketing Plan for the Rest of Us (or Marketing Basics Boot Camp)
Most authors are overwhelmed about the publishing process, and without marketing, all that publishing effort was for naught. It’s hard knowing what works. We’ll cover press, public relations, and social media engagement, building a following, as well as advance copies, preorder, launches and put together a marketing plan tailored to your likes and personality. Tracee will also show you how to build your author platform, a short on keywords and how important they are and getting you and your book out there to many soon-to-be fans and followers.
Productivity Hacks: Tips and Tricks
No one gave any of us a road map to being more efficient and productive, yet so many of us strive to get where we’re going on time, and complete things faster, more efficient, and within budget parameters set forth. This can’t happen without careful planning. Bestselling author Tracee Garner will guide you through all the productivity tips you can stand, how the time of day you do your best work must be your, what she calls “sparkle time” and how to find it, plus additional details on how to get it all done.
Build Your Marketing Materials
- In this hands-on workshop, we’ll use CANVA to build a number of tools authors need to get booked, hosted, podcast booking pitches sent out, media outlets looking to you, and more of the tangible things one needs to send someone their “materials” when they ask for them. What we’ll work on, includes:
- Speaker One-Sheet
- Press Kit
- Introductory video – yes you can easily record a video introduction to who you are
- Book Trailer (a short commercial about your book)
- Pretty up an excerpt to send to show booking agents, and
- List of Possible Author Interview Questions and Possible show topics, and
- How to put things into a nice package and best practices for easily sharing links/electronic copies with others anytime
Side Hustles for Authors
Today’s modern author is doing more than just writing books. It’s a wonderful thing to focus on writing but as creative types, we can yearn for other things that call to us and our creative abilities, plus the fact that others people that need our help. All that knowledge you gained can lucratively be channeled into helping out other author types with teaching at university, formatting for others, author and publishing support services and all those sometimes tedious little details you trialed and errored your way through is desperately needed by others We’ll cover a number of things that might make sense for you and help get the wheels turning, plus Tracee will share her almost seven (and growing) stream of income and outline how much one can potentially make if they so choose and have desire to do so.
Please use the contact form or email address below, to book Ms. Garner to speak to your organization.
Note, many of the topics outlined above, usually run from 90 to 120 minutes, however, can be tailored to fit your time constraints and participant needs. Some workshops, however, won’t work in 45 minutes for example and it’s best to inquire before scheduling.
Identifying as a person with a disability, Ms. Garner is a full time wheelchair user and any live events, conferences or workshops where she will be presenting, must be wheelchair accessible and zero-barrier entry with elevator or other arrangements to accommodate her and any of your participants with various kinds of disabilities. All advertised events should also have a POC to make request for accommodations such as ASL interpretation or CART captioning. If you are unsure how to make arrangements for this, Ms. Garner is happy to support your desire and willingness to make arrangements. Ms. Garner is happy to speak at ALL (and loves) Virtual Events space on any platform!